Jer$ey… This One’s for You!

Look, we’ve talked about climate change endlessly here, and today is no different. But…we don’t always talk about saving money. So, without further ado… 

Do you use PSE&G or NJNG? Do you own your own business? Are you the leader of a religious institution? Do you like to save money? If you answered ”yes” to 1-2 of these questions, then you might be in for an end-of-week treat.  

Starting in March, you can sign up to see if Harborside’s 7% savings program can save you $$ on your natural gas supply costs. It’s the perfect time to take a look and see if you qualify (especially coming off ANOTHER week of higher-than-average temperatures). Harborside can lock you into a rate that is guaranteed to be 7% lower than the utility price to compare. Smells like more money in your pockets to me. 

Interested? Give us a call or shoot us an email at We’re happy to help.