Energetek’s blog on business tips, becoming & staying a successful entrepreneur, and everything else to get you through your work week.
2024: Cheers to the Next Chapter
“The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” - Michelle Obama It is hard to believe that 2024 is already in the rearview mirror. Every year we take this time to reflect on the previous [...]
U.S. Natural Gas Inventories Enter the Winter With the Most Natural Gas Since 2016
US natural gas inventories are starting winter 2024 6% above the 5-year average despite less storage injections due to starting inventories being relatively full. Lower natural gas prices in 2024 encouraged producers to curtail production which reduced injections. A cold start to December gave way to a prompt warm up [...]
Master of Emails
Email remains a cornerstone of professional communication. Whether you're reaching out to clients, colleagues, or potential employers, mastering the art of business email protocol is essential for making a positive impression. Here are some tips to ensure your emails exude professionalism and clarity: Clear and Concise Subject Line The [...]
Etek Cofounder for Habituelle
It is Never Too Late to Make a Change Change has always been a word that is anxiety-inducing for me. My initial thought when I think of change is that my world is being physically turned upside down and life as I know it will cease to exist. [...]
A Push for Change in NJ
Governor Phil Murphy and Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio announced the release of a comprehensive statewide disparity study on public contracting opportunities for Minority and Women-Owned (MWBE) businesses. The study conducted by Mason Tillman and Associates (MTA) reviewed procurement data over five years and found disparities in awarding public contracts [...]
Wind Farm Part Two
Pro & Con: Orsted Project While the Orsted project is still tied up in lawsuits and controversy, here is some insight into the pros and cons of the project’s cancellation. Pros of the Orsted wind project cancellation:Environmental Concerns: Some may argue that canceling the project could address environmental concerns associated [...]
2023: A Year of Pushing Limits and Laying Groundwork
“There’s no straighter road to success than exceeding expectations one day at a time.” Robin Crow It is amazing to think that 2024 is among us. It is even more amazing to think that it will have been 4 years since the workforce was rocked by Covid, forcing the [...]
NJ State House
BIG NEWS COMING FROM ETEK! The powerhouse duo themselves, along with SLPA and Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo, were at the NJ State House on Monday to watch their first bill pass through the beginning stages of becoming a LAW! The bill, authored by Kristin and Eva, would "require the [...]
Blown Down
Do you have an extra $5.55 billion to spare? Neither does Orsted. If you live in the greater Philadelphia area, you are probably aware of the controversy surrounding Danish energy company Orsted’s Ocean Wind 1 and 2, their two-stage offshore wind project off the Jersey shore. Mads Nipper, Orsted’s [...]
Thanksgiving Traditions & Their Origins
It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away, which means many of us will be partaking in annual Turkey Day traditions. Where do some of these traditions and treats come from, though? Are they familial and have an origin story, or is it something you’ve just always [...]
Nuclear Roadmap
What’s Going On With Nuclear Energy? First, let’s get some vocab down (and yes, there will be a quiz at the end). Nuclear energy: electricity produced from nuclear reactions like nuclear fission and nuclear decay Net zero: an attempt to undo or reverse greenhouse gases produced by human [...]
7% Savings Program
Jer$ey... This One’s for You! Look, we’ve talked about climate change endlessly here, and today is no different. But...we don’t always talk about saving money. So, without further ado... Do you use PSE&G or NJNG? Do you own your own business? Are you the leader of a religious [...]
Temp Up, Crime Up
Murder with a Side of Ice Cream Research shows that there is a pattern between crime and weather; as the temperatures rise, so does crime. In the past, violent crime has shown a downward trend during winter months as people tend to stay inside to keep warm. In [...]
Weather Implications
What do the weather and convicted felons have in common? Well, apparently more than one would think. As most of us have seen in not just Pennsylvania but across the country, convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante has been on the run for over a week. Calvacante managed to escape a Chester [...]
Extreme Circumstances
Oh, the weather outside is…expensive? As summer continues to boil on, we are seeing hurricane season begin to rear its ugly head. As climate change increases, so can the intensity of the storms. California and Texas are just two states dealing with extreme weather; California enduring a hurricane coupled with [...]