The Power Move- Blog2025-01-24T16:02:29-05:00
The Power Move

Energetek’s blog on business tips, becoming & staying a successful entrepreneur, and everything else to get you through your work week.

2302, 2021

The Perfect Storm: What the Hell Happened in Texas and How to Fix the Problem for the Future

February 23rd, 2021|Climate Change, Energy, Manufacturing, News|

A winter storm pummeled the heartland that left millions without power – highlighting the holes in Texas’ power grid.  By noon on February 16th, more than 4.4 million people (about twice the population of New Mexico) were without power after the second wave of what would be a deadly winter storm, hit the Lone [...]

912, 2020

Year End Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of 2020 

December 9th, 2020|Business Owner, Business Tips|

Here we are. Another year in the books. I speak for both of us when I say that it feels like we have aged 5 years in the past 12 months. Between the global pandemic, election, murder hornets, record breaking hurricane season and waking up every morning feeling like it is Ground Hog’s Day; we are ALL ready to close this chapter.   2020 [...]

2610, 2020

Cold Storage Proves to be a Cash Cow in the Covid Era and Beyond

October 26th, 2020|Energy, Real Estate|

The initial panic of the pandemic that left store shelves barren of hygienic products like sanitizer and even various meat products, shed light on the weaknesses in the world’s supply chain. Because of this, larger logistic companies are circling the “small guys” in cold warehousing and distribution like a shark feeding frenzy.   The inefficiencies of smaller, independent facilities lie in outdated [...]

2109, 2020

Liquid Gold: Wall Street Sets Out to Trade a New Commodity

September 21st, 2020|Energy, News|

Climate change is real. As if the fires out west, hurricanes in the Gulf, and the moderate winters didn’t underline this sentiment; Wall street is reminding us that climate change is VERY real by starting to trade futures contracts on California’s water supply. This is the first of its kind in the U.S., making this a [...]

809, 2020

How Timed-Buying Strategies Help Your Business

September 8th, 2020|Business Owner, Business Tips, Energy|

Timed-buying is a strategy that should be used during every energy supply negotiation. Brokers, great brokers that is, guide clients in determining how much energy to contract, which product to use, and for how long the term should be. With the goal of best meeting their client's energy needs, [...]

2908, 2020

The NJ Brokerage Firm for Commercial Property Owners

August 29th, 2020|Business Owner, Business Tips, Energy|

Property Owners Are Partnering With Energetek for an In-Depth Energy Plan As the Energy Information Administration is estimating natural gas to average $3.14/MMBtu in 2021 (current 2020 average is $1.882,), commercial property owners are looking for ways to take advantage of the market now; that's where Energetek comes [...]

2408, 2020

August Energy Briefing: Natural Gas on the Rise

August 24th, 2020|Energy|

*graph source Direct Energy You know how the saying goes, “no news is good news?" That phrase rang true when last week’s bearish markets bled into this week with the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) reporting a 70-cent increase of the price for the 12-month strip (September 2020 – August 2021) from $2.20-$2.90. This is not [...]

1108, 2020

The Workweek Changeup You’re Looking For

August 11th, 2020|Business Tips|

Timing Techniques Batch working or 9/80? How about the Pomodoro Technique? Finding a great workflow takes time and some trial and error, but once you find a strategy that works for you, you'll have a more productive and happier workday. Let's dive into the three I mentioned then [...]

2707, 2020

Let’s Talk About Sex…ual Harassment in the Workplace

July 27th, 2020|Business Owner, Business Tips|

Yes, we’re going there. And the reason we’re going there is because of 2 things: A.) it’s still not talked about enough. B.) IT CONTINUES TO HAPPEN (why? See A.) While the #MeToo movement has made the subject of sexual harassment and sexism in the workplace less taboo; it [...]

2206, 2020

Are You Using Your Industry to Your Advantage?

June 22nd, 2020|Business Owner, Business Tips|

Keeping tabs on your industry can help you diversify from the competition and even help you decide monumental business moves like when its a good time to hire. Just as being ahead of the competition is important to maintaining a successful business, equally so is reaching your company goals. [...]

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