The Power Move- Blog2025-01-24T16:02:29-05:00
The Power Move

Energetek’s blog on business tips, becoming & staying a successful entrepreneur, and everything else to get you through your work week.

1608, 2023

El Niño Impacts

August 16th, 2023|Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability|

El Niño: The Who, the What, and How It Affects Us  While this summer has had its heat waves, forecasters are anticipating further rising temperatures to round out the second half of 2023. Not only will this affect temperatures, but we can anticipate even hotter temperatures in 2024.  [...]

2807, 2023

Things Are Heating Up

July 28th, 2023|Business Tips, Climate Change|

Temperature Watch It’s hot out there- cool off while saving money by curtailing your energy during peak times.  With July being on record as the hottest month EVER, everyone is looking to keep cool without breaking the bank- energy companies included. Remember, curtailing by switching to generators during [...]

1206, 2023

Questions? We’ve got answers.

June 12th, 2023|Business Tips, Energy|

Energetek FAQs Why do I need to sign a data authorization form? When we explore energy options for our clients, we like to get the whole picture. In order to do that, we pull energy data from the utility company and third-party suppliers (historical usage, IDR, contract details). [...]

2404, 2023

An Open Letter to the Sl(c)ammers

April 24th, 2023|Business Owner, Business Tips, Energy|

The energy industry has evolved since the start of deregulation when the US created the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or the FERC in 1977. In the early years of deregulation, the energy industry resembled that of the wild west. Energy suppliers adopted a practice called "slamming" which is when [...]

2102, 2023

Bundled, Retail PPA

February 21st, 2023|Business Tips, Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability|

So, You’re Thinking About a VPPA? One program that we've been exploring for a few of our large portfolio clients (high energy users with multiple sites) is the Virtual Power Purchase Agreement or VPPA. Let's break this product down: What is a VPPA? Instead of your site having [...]

2112, 2022

2022: A Year of Perspective

December 21st, 2022|Business Owner, Business Tips|

Perspective: noun – a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; the true understanding of the relative importance of things; a sense of proportion  Another year in the books and the time of reflection and planning for the year to come is upon us. As we sit down [...]

510, 2022

PRESS RELEASE: Energetek Take’s on Philadelphia’s Building Tune-Up’s

October 5th, 2022|Business Tips, Climate Change, Energy, Local Business, Manufacturing, News, Philadelphia, Real Estate, Sustainability|

In 2020, Philadelphia’s Office of Sustainability developed the Building Energy Performance Policy. This policy was instituted to urge efficient energy and water use amongst the largest buildings in Philadelphia. The Tune-Up requires an assessment of the major energy systems within the building as well as consumption practices. The goal of [...]

2312, 2021

2021: A Year End Review

December 23rd, 2021|Business Owner, Energy, Interview, Just For Fun|

Ahhhhh 2021, the ugly stepsister of 2020. This year we navigated what the “new normal” looked like when put into practice. The world navigated going back to work in various hybrid approaches while never realizing how many times in one year we would use the word “hybrid.” We overcame covid [...]

2009, 2021

Europe’s Energy Crisis and Record High Natural Gas Prices: September Continues to Bring Volatility

September 20th, 2021|Business Tips, Energy|

September is certainly going out with a bang. This month has brought more volatility in the energy market than we have seen since 2014. Normally a more favorable pricing time, this month has blessed us with above-average temperatures averaging around 80 degrees, hurricanes, and natural gas prices breaking through [...]

1105, 2021

Market Update: Natural Gas-Fired Generation On The Decline

May 11th, 2021|Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability|

So far, 2021 has left much to be desired in regards to natural gas. Lower production and higher heating demand have given way to substantially higher prices. The Texas freeze did nothing to help this, causing an additional increase in February. Henry Hub averaged $2.83/MMBtu from January through March. This a $0.88/MMBtu increase from the same time last year.   [...]

204, 2021

Etek Service Feature: Energy Decision Software

April 2nd, 2021|Business Owner, Business Tips, Energy, Manufacturing|

Utility Management for Multiple Sites For our multi-facility clients, energy management isn't always cohesive between locations; that's where EDS comes in. Through Energy Decision Software, your power and natural gas accounts sync in realtime, bringing administrative ease to your energy portfolio. Based on how you operate, each of [...]

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